According to the most common interpretation, the Song of Solomon is a collection of love poems between a man and a woman, celebrating the sexual relationship God intended for marriage. God established marriage, including the physical union of a husband and wife (Gen. 2:18-25), and Israelite wisdom literature treasures this aspect of marriage as the appropriate expression of human sexuality (Prov. 5:15-20). The Song of Solomon has also been understood as an illustration of the mutual love of Christ and his church. It is possible that Solomon (tenth century b.c.) is the author (1:1). However, this verse could mean that the Song was dedicated to Solomon or was written about him, and therefore many scholars regard the book as anonymous.
Other Book Titles:
- Latin - Canticles “songs”
- English - “Song of Songs” & "Song of Solomon”
Authorship: Solomon most likely.
- Constitutes one of the 1,005 songs he is known to have composed (1 King 4:32)
Time of Composition: 970-930 BC
- Based upon the Thiele's Chronology.
Simple Outline:
1. Beginning of Love (Ch 1-4)
A. Falling in Love (Ch 1-2)
B. United in Love (Ch 3-4)
2. Broadening of Love (Ch 5-8)
A. Struggling in Love (Ch 5-6)
B. Growing in Love (Ch 7-8)