Ruth Introduction - King James Version (KJV)

Set during the time of Judges, the book of Ruth tells us the narrative of how a young Moabite widow committed herself to her mother-in-law Naomi during a time of famine.  Ruth's desire for her mother-in-law made her declare that "your people shall be my people, and your God my God" (1:16).  Ruth ultimately finds love from relative of her deceased husband, Boaz.  In this role, Boaz serves as the kinsman-redeemer taking Ruth as his wife.  They became the great-grandparents to King David that's connected to the Messianic line culminated in Christ's birth. 

Samuel, according to the Jewish Talmud.

Date: ~1140 BC
Based upon the genealogies and the descriptions of events in the book.

Simple Outline:
1. Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1-2) 
A. Death of Family (Ch 1) 
B. Ruth's care for Naomi (Ch 2) 

2. Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 3-4) 
A. Ruth's Request for Redemption by Boaz (Ch 3) 
B. Ruth's Reward for Redemption by Boaz  (Ch 4) 
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