Micah Introduction - KJV (King James Version)

Micah prophesied in Judah during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (about 750-700 b.c.), at about the same time as Isaiah. It was a time of prosperity, and Micah denounced the wealthy, who were oppressing the poor, and warned of impending judgment. The northern kingdom actually fell during Micah's ministry, in 722, and Judah almost fell in 701 (2 Kings 18-20). The book contains three sections, which alternate between words of warning and messages of hope. Micah told of a day when there would be peace among all nations, who would then be able to "beat their swords into plowshares" (4:3), and of a royal deliverer who would save God's people from all her enemies. This deliverer would be born in Bethlehem (5:2).

Authorship: Micah
  • Hebrew name means “Who is like the Lord?”

Date of the Deuteronomy: 735-710 BC

Simple Outline:
1. Judgment Coming (Mic 1-3) 
A. On the People (Ch 1-2) 
B. On the Leadership (Ch 3)  

2. Restoration Will Happen (Mic 4-5) 
A. In the Kingdom (Ch 4:1-5) 
B. Future Captivities (Ch 4:6-5:1) 
C. Coming King (Ch 5:2-15) 

3. Plea for Repentance (Mic 6-7) 
A. 1st Plea (Ch 6:1-9) 
B. 2nd Plea (Ch 6:10-7:6) 
C. Promise of Final Salvation (Ch 7:7-20) 

Messianic Prophecies:
Christ’s Hometown 
  • Messiah be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2) 
Christ Ruling (Mic 2:12,13 4:1-8 5:4,5)
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