Luke Introduction - KJV (King James Version)

The Gospel of Luke is in the form of a letter to a man named Theophilus. Luke wrote after having carefully investigated all the facts about Christ (1:1-4). Luke documents Christ's life from before his birth through his ministry, death, and resurrection. Jesus carried out his ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, announcing the good news of salvation. He showed numerous times his compassion for the poor and the outcast. He fulfilled prophecy and carried out his purpose: to seek and save the lost. Luke gives the fullest account of Christ's birth, and only Luke records the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. Luke, a physician and a colleague of Paul, probably wrote this account in the early 60s a.d. He also wrote Acts.

Authorship: Luke via the Apostle Paul
  • “we passages” in Acts (Acts 16:10-17; 20:5-21:18; 27:1-28:16)

Main Theme: Jesus is the Son of Man

Date of Composition: 58-62 AD (prior to 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem)
  • Critics will try to date it after 70 AD because of Jesus' prediction of the Temple being destroyed (Lk 21:20).
  • Acts closes with events dated to 62 AD and is the 2nd account written to Theophilus (Acts 1:1) 

Simple Outline:
1. Son of Man (Lk 1-24) 
A. Introduced (Ch 1-3) 
B. Ministry (Ch 4-9) 
C. Rejection (Ch 9-19) 
D. Sacrifice (Ch 19-23)
E. Resurrection (Ch 24)

Unique Notes (not found in other Synoptic Gospels)
  • ~50% of Luke’s material is exclusively his own 
  • Jesus’ final journey from Galilee to Jerusalem 
  • “travelogue” (Lk 9:51-19:27) contains parables not found in other Gospels 
  • Savior of the whole world (Lk 2:32; 24:27) 
  • 7 different occasions of Jesus praying

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