Judges Introduction

Joshua has died and the generation that entered and conquered Canaan are dying off.  The next generation is now on the scene and their apostacy goes uncontrolled.  The last four chapters' events chronologically occur before the Judge #1: Othniel comes onto the scene.  Sin, idolatry, wickedness, and civil war has broke out leaving the nation in a very fragile state to in existence much less united as a people.  This period goes through repeated cycles of apostacy, judgment through oppression, repetence, and deliverance through a judge.  Repeated statement that "in those days there was no King in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes" summarizes the nature and character of the people.  The book ultimately is a build up to the nation requesting for a king and God annointing a man after His own heart. 

Samuel, according the Jewish Talmud

Meaning of Judges:
Hebrew - Shophetim ‘judges’ - liberate or deliver 
Time Period: ~1400-1050 BC
Based upon dating the Conquest at 1406 BC and the Saul's 1st ruling year approximately at 1050 BC.  
Simple Outline:
1. Spiritual Detoriation of Israel (Judg 1:1 to 3:7) 
2. Period of the Judges (Judg 3:8 to 16:31) 
  1. Othniel (Ch 3:7–11) 
  2. Ehud (Ch 3:12–30) 
  3. Shamgar (Ch 3:31) 
  4. Deborah and Barak (Ch 4–5) 
  5. Gideon (Ch 6–10) 
  6. Tola (Ch 10:1–2) 
  7. Jair (Ch 10:3–5) 
  8. Jephthah (Ch 10:6–12:7) 
  9. Izban (Ch 12:8–10) 
  10. Elon (Ch 12:11–12) 
  11. Abdon (Ch 12:13–15) 
  12. Samson (Ch 13–16)
3. Israel's Depravity (Judg 17-21)
A. Sin of Idolatry (Ch 17)
B. Sin of Immorality (Ch 18)
C. Sin of Civil War (Ch 19-21)
Chronology of Events:
1375 BC Micah's Idolatry - Judges 17 
1375 BC Danites Settle in Laish, Take Micah's Idols - Judges 18 
1375 BC A Levite's Concubine Degraded - Judges 19 
1375 BC Israelites Defeat the Benjamites - Judges 20 
1375 BC Wives for the Benjamites - Judges 21 
1374 BC Israelites Capture Jerusalem, Hebron - Judges 1 
1374 BC Israel Rebuked and Defeated - Judges 2 
1374 BC Israel's idolatry and Servitude; Othniel - Judges 3 
1334 BC Eglon - Judges 3:12 
1316 BC Ehud - Judges 3:15 
1235 BC Deborah and Barak - Judges 4 
1235 BC The Song of Deborah and Barak - Judges 5 
1169 BC Gideon and the Midianites - Judges 6 - 8 
1129 BC Abimelech Conspires to Become King - Judges 9 
1126 BC Plot against Abimelech - Judges 9:22 
1126 BC Abimelech is Slain - Judges 9:50 
1118 BC Tola, Jair - Judges 10 
1097 BC Jephthah's Covenant with the Gileadites - Judges 11 
1090 BC Jephthah, Ephraim, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon - Judges 12 
1090 BC Israel Oppressed by the Philistines - Judges 13 
1075 BC Samson's Marriage and Riddle - Judges 14 
1075 BC Samson Burns the Philistine Crops - Judges 15 
1075 BC Samson and Delilah - Judges 16
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