Habakkuk Introduction - KJV (King James Version)

Habakkuk was probably written about 640-615 b.c., just before the fall of Assyria and the rise of Babylon (Chaldea). God used Assyria to punish Israel (722); now he would use Babylon to punish Assyria and Judah. This prophecy would be fulfilled several decades after Habakkuk, in 586. The "theme question" of Habakkuk is, how can God use a wicked nation such as Babylon for his divine purpose? God judges all nations, said Habakkuk, and even Babylon would eventually be judged (Babylon fell to Persia in 539). Though God's ways are sometimes mysterious, "the righteous shall live by his faith" (2:4) while awaiting salvation. These words are quoted three times in the New Testament (Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38).

Authorship: Habakkuk
  • Hebrew name means “Embrace or Embracer”

Date: 607 BC
Indicators: 1) Babylonian invasion is imminent 2) People are acting wickedly

Simple Outline:
1. Problems of Habakkuk (Hab 1-2) 
A. 1st Problem (Ch 1:1-4) 
B. God's Reply (Ch 1:5-11) 
C. 2nd Problem (Ch 1:12-2:1) 
D. God's Reply (Ch 2:2-20) 

2. Praise of Habbakuk (Ch 3) 
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