Exodus Introduction

Exodus is the recorded account of the nation of Israel's time in Egypt. Their sojourn began with Jacob moving the family from Canaan to Egypt during the 7 years of famine recorded in Genesis 46.  At some point, the Israelite people were put into bondage and slavery.  No where in the Bible does it describe when, how, and why this transition took place as Exodus simply states that a new pharaoh arose that 'did not know Joseph.'  

Regardless of these circumstances God is described keeping His promise with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in making the nation of Israel a great nation, but also bringing them back into the land of Canaan at the conclusion of the 400 prophecy of Genesis 15.  At this point, God must intervene supernaturally with 10 plagues for the nation to be released from Pharaoh's grip that climaxes with the parting of the Red Sea.  

After this God dispenses His Law to Moses and binds the nation to Himself at Mount Sinai with the Mosaic Covenant.  The Ten Commandments along with hundreds of all laws and ordinances are insituted that are govern the daily and spiritual lives of the people of Israel.  And within this theocracy, God says that He will personally dwell with the nation on Earth in the Tabernacle that they must construct in order to conduct proper worship and sacrifices to the Lord.

Other Book Titles:
  • Hebrew - ve'ellah shemot “Now these are the names” 
  • Greek - Exodus “exit, departure, going out” 

Authorship: Moses
See Exod 17:14; Deut 31:24; 1 Kgs 2:3; Ezra 6:18; Neh 13:1; Dan 9:11-13; Mal 4:4; Mark 12:26; Luke 16:29; John 1:17; 5:44-47; 7:19, 23; Acts 26:22; Rom 10:5; 2 Cor 3:15, etc.

Length of Sojourn: 430 Years
Exodus 12:40 in all modern translations say 430 years the Israelites were in the land of Egypt.  Some will argue for a shorter sojourn of 215 because of the rendering of Septuagint that includes Canaan and that the genealogy of Exodus from Levi to Moses makes it a mathematical impossibility.  The issue ultimately arise on how to interpret the genealogy as complete or incomplete as the genealogy does not include the siring years as done in Genesis.  

For a full detail comparison of the two views, it's recommended watching our video that discusses both sides in full detail. 

Date of the Exodus: ~1446 BC
Based upon the Thiele's Chronology with Solomon's Temple construction starting in 966 BC and using the 1 Kings 6:1 declaring that it was in the 480th year from the time of the Exodus. 

Simple Outline:
1. Redemption from Slavery (Exodus 1-18) 
A. Need for (Ch 1) 
B. Preparation for (Ch 2-4) 
C. Redeemed (Ch 5-15 ) 
D. Preserved (Ch 15-18) 

2. Revelation from God at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19-40) 
A. Covenant (Ch 19-32) 
B. Response (Ch 33-40) 

10 Plagues of Egypt:
  1. Nile River turns into blood - Ex 7:14-25 
  2. Frogs - Ex 8:1-15 
  3. Lice - Ex 8:16-19 
  4. Flies - Ex 8:20-32 
  5. Disease - Ex 9:1-7 
  6. Boils - Ex 9:8-12 
  7. Hail - Ex 9:13-35 
  8. Locusts - Ex 10:1-20 
  9. Darkness (3 days) - Ex 10:21-29 
  10. Firstborn death - Ex 11:1-12:30
10 Commandments: (see also Deut 5:4-21)
  1. Thou shalt not have any gods before me - Ex 20:3-4 
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images - Ex 20:4-6
  3. Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain - Ex 20:7
  4. Remember to keep the Sabbath Day - Ex 20:8-11 
  5. Honor thy father and mother - Ex 20:12 
  6. Thou shalt not murder - Ex 20:13 
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery - Ex 20:14 
  8. Thou shalt not steal - Ex 20:15 
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor - Ex 20:16 
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, wife, and possesions - Ex 20:17
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