Esther Introduction

Esther is 1 of 2 books that doesn't mention God.  This caused debate as to whether the book should be considered canonical.  Ultimately, the majority view held it should be.  The story's backdrop theme is about God's faithfulness to preserve His chosen people.  Set sometime during the reign of King Xerxes of Persia, ~480 BC, that one his officials, Haman, sought to annihilate the Jewish people.  God's sovereingty is displayed through Esther's unexpected rise to Queen as her relationship with the King will be necessary to expose Haman's plot.  The Jewish people are ultimately saved at the last minute that leads to the installation of the Festival of Purim that is still celebrated today. 

Authorship: Unknown

Time Period: 483-473 BC

Simple Outline:
1. Threat to the Jews (Esther 1-4) 
A. Selection of Esther as Queen (Ch 1-2) 
B. Haman's Plot (Ch 2-4) 

2. Triumph of the Jews (Esther 5-10) 
A. Mordecai's Triumph (Ch 5-7) 
B. Triumph of Israel (Ch 8-10) 
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