The Israelites are about to enter into Canaan and begin their conquest of the land. From a prior episode, Moses is prohibited from entering the land and knows that he time is over. Since the Israelites' daily lives will be different, the covenant is adapted to fit their new setting.
Moses gives three sermons to the nation. The first is recounting and reminder of all the acts that God has performed for the nation. This should be understood as encouragement knowing that God's promises are guarentees. The second sermon is retelling the law and the new adjustments to their daily lives once they occupy the land. And the third sermon covers the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua, but also Moses prophetically telling the nation that they will eventually fall into apostacy that will require God to drive them into exile. This is fulfilled with the 587 BC destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple.
Other Book Titles:
- Hebrew - ?
- Greek - Deuteronomion “second law”
- NKJV “a copy of this law”
Authorship: Moses
See Exod 17:14; Deut 31:24; 1 Kgs 2:3; Ezra 6:18; Neh 13:1; Dan 9:11-13; Mal 4:4; Mark 12:26; Luke 16:29; John 1:17; 5:44-47; 7:19, 23; Acts 26:22; Rom 10:5; 2 Cor 3:15, etc.
Date of the Deuteronomy: ~1406 BC, last month before entering Canaan
Based upon the Thiele's Chronology with Solomon's Temple construction starting in 966 BC and using the 1 Kings 6:1 declaring that it was in the 480th year from the time of the Exodus plust the 40 years of wandering recorded in Numbers.
Simple Outline:
1. 1st Sermon: Retrospective (Deut 1-4)
A. Historical Review (Ch 1-4)
2. 2nd Sermon: Introspective (Deut 5-26)
A. 10 Commandments (Ch 18-20)
B. Ceremonial Laws (Ch 21-22)
C. Civil Laws (Ch 23-24)
D. Social Laws (Ch 25-26)
3. 3rd Sermon: Prospective (Deut 27-34)
A. Ratification of Covenant (Ch 27-28)
B. Land Covenant (Ch 29-30)
C. New Mediator Appointed (Ch 31-34)
Capital Punishment Crimes:
1. Premeditated Murder - Ex 21:12-14,22,23
2. Kidnapping - Ex 21:16; Deut 24:7
3. Striking or Cursing Parents - Ex 21:15; Lev 20:9; Pr 20:20; Matt 15:4; Mark 7:10
4. Magic and Divination - Ex 22:18
5. Bestiality - Ex 22:19; Lev 20:15-16
6. Sacrificing to False Gods - Ex 22:20
7. Profaning the Sabbath - Ex 35:2; Num 15:32-36
8. Offering Human Sacrifice - Lev 20:2
9. Adultery - Lev 20:10-21; Deut 22:22
10. Incest - Lev 20:11,12,14
11. Homosexuality - Lev 20:13
12. Blasphemy - Lev 24:11-14,16,23
13. False Prophecy - Deut 13:1-10
14. Incorrigle Rebelliousness - Deut 17:12; 21:18-21
15. Fornication - Deut 22:20-21
16. Rape of Betrothed Virgin - Deut 22:23-27