Second John warns against the same false teaching mentioned in 1 John. This letter, however, was addressed to "the elect lady and her children" (perhaps a local congregation), and focused on Christian hospitality. False teachers were using the kindness of Christians to gain influence within John's congregations. John's letter spoke of this danger and warned against opening one's home to these destroyers of the faith. While the basic themes of 1 John-holding fast to truth, love, and obedience-are evident, there is the additional focus on what Christian hospitality is all about. Only when you find agreement on sound doctrine will you find meaningful fellowship. The letter was probably written by the apostle John in the late first century a.d.
Authorship: John, the Apostle
- Identifies himself as “the Elder”
2nd John & 3rd John are very similar
- Irenaeus of Lyons, in the late 2nd AD quotes from 1st and 2nd John and names the Apostle John as the author of both.
- Acts 8:14 - John associated with “the apostles who were at Jerusalem”
- Gal 2:9 - Paul calls him a “pillar” of the Jerusalem church
Date of Composition: 90-95 AD
Simple Outline:
1. Greeting (2 Jn 1:1-3)
2. Walk in Christ's Commandments (2 Jn 4-6)
3. Beware of Deceivers (2 Jn 7-11)
4. Farewell (2 Jn 1:12-13)