1 Timothy Introduction - KJV (King James Version)

First Timothy is one of three pastoral letters (including 2 Timothy and Titus) that the aging apostle Paul sent to those who would continue his work. Timothy was, in every way, Paul's spiritual son. Young but gifted, Timothy had been assigned to lead the church at Ephesus-a church needing order in worship as well as doctrinal correction, plagued as it was by false teachers. Paul's letter, likely written about a.d. 62-66, counseled the young man on matters of church leadership-from proper worship, to qualifications for overseers (elders) and deacons, to advice on confronting false teaching and how to treat various individuals within a congregation. Paul charged Timothy to live a life beyond reproach, giving believers a standard to emulate.

Authorship: Paul
  • 1 Timothy is considered a disputed epistle, meaning liberal scholars don't attribute the work to him but classify pseudepigraphic. They will argue over different stylistic traits within 1 Timothy compared to other of Paul's epistles. The affect of trying to classify the letter for later authorship is to portray a slow development of Christian doctrine especally in regards to its Christology. 

Date of Composition: 63 AD

Reconstructed History (> 63 AD): 
  • Acts 28 ends with Paul being imprisoned 
  • Phil 1:19,25,26; 2:24 - Paul lets Philippians know he anticipates being released 
  • Phil 2:19-23 - Paul sends Timothy to them as promised 
  • 1 Tim 1:3 - Paul tells Timothy to "remain in Ephesus” 
  • 1 Tim 3:14,15 - Paul potentially writes 1 Timothy from Philippi 

Simple Outline:
1. False Doctrine (Ch 1) 
2. Public Worship (Ch 2-3) 
3. False Teachers (Ch 4)
4. Church Support (Ch 5)
5. Handling Money (Ch 6)  

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